January 24, 2009

Stoichometry and Music

Well Stoichometry sucks and I suck at it, but at least I have a few things that I don't suck at like baking treats with lots of love and my taste in music. Well those are both very bias talents but my tastes and ears are the only things that really matter there. And right now I am grooving to to my current favorites (see right column) Junkie XL. I know there are a lot of songs on that play list so I would suggest at least listening to Mad Presuit (very zoney), Clash(minimal lyrics), Zerotime, Cities in the Dust (good sound to it) and/or Melange. Whatever you have time for really and this is where my blog comes to an end because the smell of freshly popped popcorn is taunting me so au revior. Happy listening to whatever music please you tonight or any other time really.

Okay so first I was only suggesting one song and I keep coming back and adding more. You cannot stop from being addicted to good music its addiction is worth than nicotine. Speaking of nicotine who sings that song Nicotine & Gravy? No real need to answer that because that is what google is for.

January 23, 2009

My Prediction

Because my mental powers are absolutely astonishing I am predicting that this weekend will hold time to myself a long with a possible visit from a friend, a few text messages, sneezes, a sad dog in my garage, and some really good music ( thanks to Mr. Thompson and whoever was playing that song called Blister in the Sun by the Violent Femmes). I have been listening to them since 4:30 maybe... I am not completely sure, but I am remembering them and liking the memories. I am hoping that there will be some frozen yogurt in my future I still haven't been to that new place in Main Street yet called Sweet Sundays. I keep hearing something about toppings or something either way some frozen yogurt and a tasty sandwich from Camille's would go nicely or some chicken nachos from Unamas. I'm not sure that I spelled that right, but whatever it tis the food and not the name that matters in the long run. Although I wouldn't just go into some place called dump truck. Well I probably would, but without any intentions to eat there. Okay so this one song is making me sleepy so I am going to stop typing now and listen to these depressing, yet soothing words. Choa!

January 22, 2009

Okay No

I didn't ditch or do that other thing I really was just not feeling good so I just didn't go to school. Instead I didn't leave my room until around five most likely. All I did literally was sleep, sweat, droll, and blow my nose. Doesn't that make me sound so attractive. Anywho I hope tomorrow will be good and I wish I had a button so I could fast forward to January 29th through 31st and then to February 6th. I really want to see the Caroline movie it looks very appealing and it definitely looks like something that should be seen in the theaters. Le bon travail Tim Burton.

January 21, 2009


First off I think I am abusing the fact that I have been abusing the fact that I have a public audience and I haven't really been returning the favor when it comes to expressing my feeling of other blogs.

Prepare yourself starting NOW...
Okay so I feel like I have major(ly) second guessing myself when it comes to everything and I mean everything. It is very depressing and I might be making myself sick mentally which might been affecting my physically health. As I am typing just thinking about my crap of a day today I am getting a headache and starting to tear up. I wish all these feelings could just go where the sun never shines. I really don't know what I want though well somethings I do, but... ugh ( 'o' ) I guess that tittle was quite appropriate. Anywho... yeah so you know that whole contemplation about seeing a counsular( rehtorical question. sorry about the question mark then I guess...)? Okay so I really want to do but I really really hate crying in front of people I think it is the looks I get like after the fact its okay... sort off like if you asked me straight up I would tell you, but I wouldn't just come out and say anything. Well accept for now. I HAD A MENTAL BREAK DOWN TODAY AND CRIED IN A BATHROOM STALL. Yep that was confession and it was kind of funny though because today someone was telling me that they had one yesterday. Mine wasn't nearlly as bad though thank something, but. Okay so I am crying again and I just feel so fake right now. I am annoying the hell out of myself right now too like rawr. Maybe it's because T.O.M. is over this week. *Gigantic sigh with a tear* this is not at all productive I need to look at a face right now. A face I know. A face that I am comfortable with. I want Lorreta. I want my toothpaste. I need something...

I am going to cry the rest of it out now so there wont be any repeats tomorrow.
I wish I had a fever so I wouldn't have to come to school tomorrow that isn't even the tip of m desperation for isolation.
I think I somehow just made myself even more depressed, but I found my answer... I'm not happy (unfortunately).

La fichue vie… vous avez mentie à moi.

About me being fake... I would rather not say that so lets just call it denial, which really doesn't sound any better but I am lying to myself everyone else sees what they want to see or just what I am showing them.

J'ai un mal de tête maintenant.

I have been doing so well to hide my true feelings since the middle of the eighth grade, but I think that my mind is just getting fet up with itself. I think think they midgt be throwing things at each other right now I just want to go t o sleep a deep long sleep or start living a life like Coraline before it goes bad. *BIGGER rawr* I feel like I am trying so hard, but I really don't know what I am trying for. What is waiting for me? I might be struggling against this wall that doesn't exist and because its not real there is nothing... woah. That didn't make any sense, so I am sorry or well not really because it kind of did its own way. I need to stop, but I don't want to. I wish I had the ability to ditch... or I could just go back to what I did in the fifth grade where I would make myself throw up in the morning so I could gain enogugh sympathy from my so I wouldn't have to go to school. I need to gage my desperation/ self pity meter.

I wish I was religious so I could have a god to cry out to.

During the Moment

Okay so i have come up with a blog concept and i will do it some time in the pm tomorrow so for now trust the fact that it will be done. bon soir et... sorry for the non caps i am laying down and using two fingers to type and my thumb for the space bar. cela ne fonctionne pas *sigh*.

January 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Powerpuff Girls

So today is the 10th anniversary for the Powerpuff Girls cartoon. My plan today is watcth the top 10 episodes with all of the weird villains that are on there. It is so weird to re-watch the shows that were on when I was a kid because I am looking at this and wonder what a I thought about all this when I was younger. Random note: I am happy that I can type without looking at the laptop screen because it makes it so much easier for me to multitask between enjoying my childhood and writing this blog. Thanks for teaching me how to type when I was in the sixth grade Mr. Nadey even though you kind of freaked me out back in the day. Okay so anyway the Powerpuff Girls taught me a lot like how boys don't have cooties and neither do we, cross dresser are part of the norm, its okay to have crushes as long as the are not the ones that use you, girls are just as tough if not tougher than boys and that you should love and protect everyone... oh and that to much candy is bad for you. This show is extremely weird and I love that they had a cross dresser as the evilest villain besides the Boogie Man. HIM was scary though like "it" would have this really creepy, light and echoey voice until he got mad and then it would be extremely deep. Fuzzy Lumpkins was freaky too in a cute and crazy kind of way but I think that I like the Amebo brothers best. I just have a special place in my heart for stupid cartoon characters; like Ed from the Lion King. The episode where Fuzzy Lumpkins becomes mayor is creepy too because he makes the already sexed up secretary named Ms. Bellem wear Daisy dukes and a busty crop top too. Did they ever show her face in any of the episodes? I think they were going to, but it was actually Seducesa dressing like Ms. Bellem. Anyway I love this show and sorry Mojo Jojo for not mentioning you I know that you are quite the evil genius. Oh and apparently they are making a new episode which is kind of disappointing I wouldn't mind just watching re-runs you know?

January 18, 2009

Falling Positively

Just about everything in my life is falling into to place there are a few missing pices to the puzzle but I plan on geting those back soon. I had a great time today that wasnt spoiled by anything and i learnd that honesty really is the way to go and that my parents are way more "chill" than i thought. I also got to get a lot of things off my chest and helped a few others as well. Life is good. BONJOUR LA VIE JE T'AIME BEAUCOUP!!!