I try to laugh everyday because people tell me that it is good for you. Sometimes I laugh when nothing around me is funny and if this occurs in my awesome sixth period class then I will always and forever call it a "random giggle." That class really is my happy class. My mood today was not all that great, but I was able to put on a forced smile at lunch, but my simile as far from simulated in so many ways. First of all I must list my "partners in crime" this giggly bunch includes that European girl named Katrina, Christine is my partner in three of my classes because we both love or auras because they go together so well, and Matthew Freeman is subjected to Christine's abuse all the time. That nosebleed was all because of her because you might be confused by her English to German and then back to English translations, but she has a mean fist even Colten who is not even in that class knows her other dark secrets. The sounds that people make are so funny sometime especially when it is not in a random setting where you least expect it. Katrina's relationship with that tuner is very interesting to watch and hear. I also must comment on Mr. Freeman's creepy, cuddly, and crude french personality. You are also very tan which is nice for you and natural; keep doing that water polo okay and you might want to bring a face guard to class for now on.
The laughs that I have in this class are very stress relieving simply because when you laugh you are taking a much needed hiatus of the everything prior to that moment of complete and utter bliss.
Do not fret Mr. Thompson I do pay attention to you when you are talking, but I cannot resist myself during those moments in between.