March 2, 2009

Gluttony is a Sin

Okay so whenever I get bored I surf the web normally to find good music but today I choose to mix it up and watch some Albino Black Sheep videos. There was this one about an apple which made me laugh and for some reason made me think of Nico(conut) which mad me crack  up even more. Okay but that is not what I was originally going to tell you. Originally I was going to say watch this video and how it represents some type of truth. When is to much? Should we stop while we are ahead? In this clip the answer to that is yes. Oh and you should watch this one too:( just because. It makes me crack up beyond what it should.

The Beauty of a Moving Tree

The beauty of a moving tree is so immense that I cannot fully describe seeing on makes me feel. Especially when they are big and you can see the separate brushes of branches moving together in an awkward way that goes completely right because that is nature's will. If you do not feel the same way then I would suggest you look at one for around five minutes so you can. Even the maple blossoms that line the streets. On Sunday on my way back from church they petals were flowing in the wind like it was solid precipitation. So beautiful I wish I had a branch right now so I could shake all about my bed. That way when I take my nap they will come with me and follow my every movement like a restless and gorgeous shadow. Unfortunately though I do not have a branch and I wouldn't cut one off just to fulfill my fanciful dreams and without the branch I still have the need to sleep so avoir.

March 1, 2009

What I Wish for

I like to turn my wants into wishes I don't believe that it will come true and maybe that is my problem, but my beliefs are beside the point here. Because right now I want to jump out of my one story window so I can play in the rain and mud. For now though I will continue to replay the events of last night, this morning, and the days to come. I have a lot of stuff that I need to be doing right now this technically being one of them. I am so worried about things that I have caused. I wish I could have a pause button that I could just press for certain parts of my life. Kookookachoo, I am going to go do something a little more productive as in... planning for a potentially fun weekend or at least I am hoping that it will be like that.