January 23, 2009

My Prediction

Because my mental powers are absolutely astonishing I am predicting that this weekend will hold time to myself a long with a possible visit from a friend, a few text messages, sneezes, a sad dog in my garage, and some really good music ( thanks to Mr. Thompson and whoever was playing that song called Blister in the Sun by the Violent Femmes). I have been listening to them since 4:30 maybe... I am not completely sure, but I am remembering them and liking the memories. I am hoping that there will be some frozen yogurt in my future I still haven't been to that new place in Main Street yet called Sweet Sundays. I keep hearing something about toppings or something either way some frozen yogurt and a tasty sandwich from Camille's would go nicely or some chicken nachos from Unamas. I'm not sure that I spelled that right, but whatever it tis the food and not the name that matters in the long run. Although I wouldn't just go into some place called dump truck. Well I probably would, but without any intentions to eat there. Okay so this one song is making me sleepy so I am going to stop typing now and listen to these depressing, yet soothing words. Choa!

1 comment:

Lorita said...

Oh, wow, I love Camilles. It's my favorite place for yogurts and ice creams.