What is a word that goes
Unheard by any ear nor read by any eyes.
It's destined to float and never be understood or thought of.
Those words will go unknown and be added upon continuously.
They will always be waiting for you in back of my closet.
Anxiously ready to tell you everything.
I have learned a thousands the honesty is the right, but still even now I choose to keep my
secrets. Every now and then one will slip. However that is
only every now and then. The rest the time my doors stay shut to everyone. I wish I could a person that I will never have to face again. So I can tell every deed, feeling, thought, a moment that has flown out of body and into that the closet that I love so dearly for existing.
It cannot just anyone though. Because want know things for the sake of knowing things. Other want to know things because they you think want them to know things. Maybe I think this because that is who I am. Maybe not.. I should be cleaning my room right and putting things in my real closet. Even if I did meet that perfect person that fit every criteria I probably still wouldn't tell them everything.
I hope I get to see Coraline tomorrow I read the book today. It had a lot of insight and theories of people. I like books like that. The kind that make you think even after you have finished. It's the type of book that I could go back and read again. Actually that's is a lie (probably) I can never read books twice not even the ones written by Rick Moody. That's is life though or at least a small part of mine.
I was going to right some more but I should stop before that closet opens again. Might be time to fix that door. Or maybe let some of it come out before it all pours out. I haven't cried in while. Well in a week I think. If only general sadness could make me cry... ope nothing.