September 17, 2008

Passion: One Way to Ruin your Eyeshadow

You can always tell when someone is passionate about something by the  way their tone of there voice changes and the stern, but emotional look in their eyes. Feeling that passion course through you body in a surge of complete second along with a pure understanding of what you are trying to say. Passion has thought behind it and if you really believe in what you are saying you will not grow weary with fear. Which can be countered because like Aristotle we are not all martyrs to our own beliefs. I love that feeling though, even if it does makes me shaky with all the things I am trying to express with one short breath, but during that moment you can not stop yourself it is a blissful natural high even if it brings tears to your eyes. I think that people are the most happy when they can say everything they wanted to say so they are not walking away from a conversation unsatisfied and questioning everything that was said. Because once the moment is over you will never get the chance to go back to that exact moment and do it over again

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