September 20, 2008

One Awesome Commercial

I that this was just the cutest thing ever when I this. And I must say that this is one of the best commercials ever. When I see commercials I normally laugh, then complain about how long they are, but as soon as I saw this I loved it. No one ever wants to be the odd one out all the time so it is great when you can let loose and go crazy with your friends. People feel like they can do anything when they are with a few of their good friends. At least I think I can, because I feel like I can jump up and dance a jig with my friends too. Anyway I just wanted post this to remind everyone why you should appreciate every friend you have ever had. This commercial completely brightened up my day.

1 comment:

Em[ily] said...

I think that commercial is totally cute! It was short and to the point. I like that they showed that the kid who some people may find weird fit in with his group of friends. It made me smile!