February 5, 2009


My mind is basically a pile of mush right now so I cannot really say if I learned this today or yesterday, but I do know that I learned it on Current TV. 

What I thought: The United States helped out the most during World War II.
What I learned: The Soviet Union relieved the most concentration camps.
What I was surprised to find: The most Neo-Nazis can be found within Russia.

I was really was shocked to see this. Seeing it also made me beyond scared to go to Russia. I really can't even describe it right so I suggest watching this video. It scenically makes me sad that people are still dong this kind of stuff. Was there ever a time where there was a war? I was watching this other pod on Israeli and Arabic comedians and one of them was wearing this shirt that said "Fighting for peace is like f...ing for virginity" and whoever made that shirt was right because it really is like a oxy moron. I world without weapons would be amazing. Because without the fear of danger there wouldn't be the need for a false sense of protection. That will never happen though and I am rambling a again so watch the video and think a little.


Lorita said...

Yeah, I wish there was a world without weapons. No more wars, no more conflicts. There is this saying that's been tattooed in my brain. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. However, the guns are the only excuse as to why people kill people.

Burt said...

And, before guns, we killed each other with sticks and stones, and, before sticks and stones, we used our bones.

Enlightenment is the solution to violence. Either that or apathy.

Carman said...

It just might have to be apathy because enlightenment could lead to curiosity. And even though people are always learning about the past it tends to repeat itself anyway.