February 12, 2009

Possibly, Maybe, Wouldn't Doubt It

The smallest things make me happy
The smallest things that should make me happy make me irritated
And all these little things make me mad

I wish that was how everything really was, but it is not. Small things really do make me happy though, but only if my mind was set on it. Say I really want to meet someone and then I meet a person that would increase my mood intensely.
One word that I have been hearing a lot lately is the word indifferent and i think I have been showing this trait a lot lately. I wish I could just speak my mind more often instead of just having little conversations in my head. Not the ones where I answer my self but ones where I answer others. One thing that i have continue to show to myself is that I really don't care what people think and that makes me happy. Without these shallow thoughts filling my head I have become more observant. There are a few people that I have been paying close attention to that just seem so desperate for something. If you stop for a few seconds you can see when someone is trying socially. Obsession, over compensation, and striving to be noticed. I don't really care about any of this I feel quite "indifferent" about a lot of things that I talk about. So I just stop talking.

1 comment:

Lorita said...

Yeah, I know what you mean. Sometimes the smallest things in life cheer me up and make me feel so much better. Especially when I am feeling blue.