Note: I am sorry for the bad grammar, "I" and lame smiles. This is not at all a representation on how people should write in informal situations. I am not currently trying to change my ways on this public website. My good writing skills are only shown in class and on these blog uncapitalized s. Once again I do apologize for this shameful post below.
"the plans often go awry, but i am very optimistic that mine will stay strong unlike the that feeble London bridge
^o^ i think i have the second most amount of fun when i am bored but my #1 choice is when i am with my friends and some good knee-slapping fun
be prepared...
i dont know what that was for but yep...
i love those little dots(...)
okay i'm done
i never really noticed how much i can ramble on the internet until right this second. okay well that is a lie i knew i did, but i am noticing that it is like you are talking to yourself in a way unless someone responds. Hmmm that should give you something to think about for about 5 seconds. Enjoy that time of thought and thank me in your me when you're done okay. And just so you know you are welcome.
wooah i just reached scrole bar lever ^o^ now i am really done i feel so lame in the best way possible. i have an incurable disease you should listen to We are Strange by The Doors. I'm not that sure on the title but it has the word strange in and it has good lyrics so yeah that was just my two cents on the matter. Choa!"
As you can see bulletins have both a good and bad side to them. The good side is that you get to show people just how weird you are and the bad side is that those innocent people that are just as strange have to see it.
Myspace bulletins helps me write whatever is on my mind. I enjoy using this tab once in a while to further communicate with my friends.
I' m currently blogging for a (poor) living for someone else... but I like it. You' ve inspired me to keep doing it, and look to doing it for myself soon
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