November 9, 2008

Cotton Candy

I went to a Raiders game today and I really don't even care about any type of sports, but I love the atmosphere of the games. I love listening to everyone's conversations around me because some people have a lot of interesting things to say. Like this one guy that was "f@#%ed up" off of weed that someone sneaked and was passed around in the smoking section which means that they were "hot boxing(smoking weed in a completely sealed off room)." Now if you add that with drinking I sure that you would believe in the comment he made. Also throughout the game these three guys behind me kept swearing in Spanish. Things like this strangely put a smile on my face even though it is not the first time but in some situations it just makes me laugh. It is really beautiful when people are as open with their emotions as they are.
I learned that me and my dad are alike in the way we sit and now I know that I can feed upon his emotions because I was able to throw myself in the Raider Nation spirit and start yelling at those players. I wish that team was better because my dad's cousin or my second is on that team and if I was closer to him I would comfortable enough to tell him somewhat jokingly to get his team together.
Okay I have completely lost myself in what I think I was trying to say so I am going to cut myself by saying two things: I wish we sat closer to the Black Hole and cotton candy taste better when you eat it in a stadium.

1 comment:

Lorita said...

I love cotton candy!!!!!!!!!!! Blue is my favorite color.