October 30, 2008

Pass By Me

Halloween does not sound like it will end up being that great holiday that I once looked forward too every October. This year it seems like people are only  dressing up so they do not have to participate in any of Coach Ball's activities or they are just denouncing all responsibility of keeping the Halloween spirit alive. I can not put the blame on everyone because now a days it seems like Halloween is just an excuse for people to dress like a prostitute. Which is all fine for them but it is not what it is supposed to be about in my eyes. I believe that All Hallows Night or Eve should be about being with you friends and exercising so you can fill up on the candy that you have just received from strangers. It is also a great reason for me to try out more recipes and to not pay attention in class(no offense). I want Halloween to be how it used to be. Where is the spirit in anything these day?

1 comment:

Lorita said...

Yes, I agree with you. I mean Halloween is about ghosts and the undead, not dressing up like "prostitutes". Nowadays people look forward to Halloween in order to show skin. They don't fully understand the meaning behind Halloween. It's quite interesting!