September 28, 2008

"You don't say that out loud."

That was a beautiful quote coming from one of our presidential nominees, Jon McCain. The debate seemed unheated and there was a lot of "that is not what I said." There was also a lot of agreement. I did not noticed to much back and forth which is what a debate should be, well that is what my idea of a debate is.
I agree that you can learn from the past, but the past is the past so it should stay that way especially when it is irrelevant to the current situation. It seems that John McCain has forgot about that and the fact that name dropping (should) mean nothing.
The part about the bracelets was interesting though. Barack Obama had a good comeback to that one and didn't McCain talk about receiving a bracelet at the Republican convention.
Overall I was not completely consumed by this debate except for the fact that the host/ mediator kept getting cut off by the two of them. If that was that I was paying attention to then that says a  very sad thing about my character.
I would also like to know if we have nuclear weapons because I am pretty sure we do, but we still think that no one else can have them without trying to use them. That is very interesting if it is true, but I do understand that some countries are making them to use them.
And I must apologize to Mr. Thompson for posting such a disorganized blog.


Lorita said...

Yeah, I actually felt the same way. Debates are supposed to be heated and people are supposed to comment on each other's thoughts. I felt as if they were trying to get it over with and there was a lot "I did not say that". Actually, too much!

Thompson said...

A disorganized blog is nothing to be ashamed of. Nor is a disorganized classroom.

The whole "we can have nukes, but you can't" argument reminds me of how Albert Einstein once said a country "cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war."

Carman said...

Yes, but if there were no nukes in the first place there would be nothing to prepare for.